On Easter Sunday we enjoyed a beautiful celebratory service at church. I have always loved Easter and just can't fathom how people can not realize the whole meaning and impact of the day. Do they not see how much Jesus Loves them that He laid down his life for us and our sins? I think what upsets me more is knowing that there are people out there that know Jesus and know what the Bible says but yet choose to walk away from it and act like it isn't true. Easter is such a Celebration of the fact that Christ Rose from the Dead after laying down his life for us. It is about newness and unconditional love. I now Easter is not all about the new fancy clothes but we love getting dressed up in new pretty dresses and shirts and vests etc. I love seeing all the new spring colors and dresses. I also love seeing kids dressed up on Sundays. Maybe it is the way I was raised. My mom and Dad bought the kiddos their new outfits for the day and I always get so excited to see what it will be. I think my mom enjoys doing the shopping too. Below are pictures of them in their Sunday best.
8 years ago
AMEN SISTA!!! You can say that again.
Kiddos looked BEAUTIFUL!!!
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