Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bullies and Jesus

While sitting on the porch waiting for Kiarrah to get home from her program, Reynaldo asked me why we always talk about Jesus. After I gave him an explanation he then proceeded to ask me why Bullies don't talk about Jesus. He then said that they should. Out of the mouths of babes.


Dominic got in big trouble at camp yesterday. With everything that has been happening with him lately and his anger I am worried about what lies ahead. We had gone through such a wonderful lull.
I really need to work with him on his social skills. I will admit he has been dealing with a rough bunch of kids at camp and he wants to fit in so bad. There was a boy that kept cutting in line and Dominic had had enough and decided to spit in the boys face. I was shocked because he had never done that before. I tried to explain to him that he can't take matters into his own hands because then he is the one that will get into trouble. How do you teach a child to stand up for themselves but yet not hurt the other child? He doesn't read social cues very well like most children with Aspergers and I see how it can cause some problems for him. 1st grade should be interesting.

I hate Racism

You know, Some people just really irritate me. I took the kids to the park after church on Sunday to get all their hyperness out. While there the boys were playing with two other little boys, one of which was very aggressive. All of the boys were playing rough. One of them kept throwing the mulch at Dominic and he was getting very angry. Dominic started throwing stuff back at him and then Reynaldo stepped in because no matter how much Dom and him fight, Rey is very loyal and hates to see others being picked on. He decided to shove the boy. THEY WERE ALL GUILTY AS CHARGED. I headed over in that direction to intervene. ( I usually try to let the boys work things out on their own until it gets out of control)The mother of the other boys gets there first and starts yelling at MY children. I froze. I didn't even know what to do because she had a very strong attitude. I proceeded to pull the boys away from her and apologized and said that all of them were out of control and they need to keep their hands to themselves and stop throwing stuff. She gives me a dirty look when we walk away.
I proceeded to put the boys in a time out because of what they did. When I let them go play Dominic decided to go play ball with two little Polish kids. He was having a blast and my other two children were playing on the jungle gym.
The mother of the two boys from earlier comes over to me and says REALLY Loud with Attitude ( head bobbling finger waving) "You see your boy over there? You need to tell him to come back here on the equipment. Someone could take him. You need to watch him". I was shocked. First of all, He was close by. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am very overprotective of my kids and can be very neurotic while out in public with them. They have to be right by me. I know the dangers that lurk out there and I deal with anxiety daily over something happening to them. Dominic was not in any danger, He was close by, there were a lot of kids playing over there. After she said this to me she went back to her table of friends and proceeded to talk all loud and look at me. I didn't make Dominic come over to me. In fact the woman I was speaking to prior to her announcement rolled her eyes and was like " What's her problem?" Here is where the racism comes in. I am white, my kids are black and Hispanic and she was black. She obviously has a problem with me and my children. Why did she only say something to me about my child? Why didn't she go to the other parents whose children were farther away? She accomplished what she wanted. She upset me and it has bothered me for days. Why are people like this?