While cleaning up my room yesterday, I noticed Kiarrah running through the hallway with her piggy bank. What gave it away? The jingle jangle of coinage in the plastic pig!! I asked her what she was doing and she said that Rey needed it for a bus. I figured they were pretending something which they do quite often. A few minutes later I go into Reynaldo's room to check on them and notice he is dressed like this and has a bad attitude. He was still pissed at me from something earlier in the day. I will blog on that later. I asked him what he was doing and he proceeded to tell me that he doesn't want to live here anymore and was leaving. I asked him where he was going and he said to MeMa's house and he was going to take a "big long people bus". Kiarrah piped up and said that was why she was giving him her money from her piggy bank. Why the need to be nice and share now my dear? I asked him how he was going to find a bus and he said He Would and He was getting out of here.
Please note what he is dressed in. There is no shirt under that jean jacket.
My husband came home a little while later and dealt with him. When I got home from school later that night I checked out his backpack to see what he had packed. He had all of his cars and motorcycles. The prized possessions. In the morning I told him that next time he decides to run away he really should wear sneakers, pack clothes and pack some food. He didn't like that too much. Notice the attitude in the picture. Today he loves living at home. I wonder why.
8 years ago