This morning was not a good morning for Miss Butterfly. She was very hyper this morning when she woke up and she was in a major hurry to get to school. She was sure that she was late which was not the case( Note: We are never late for school. I think we were like 5 minutes late one day last school year). She was fine until her teacher came out the door. Then all of a sudden she started clinging to me and crying. She didn't want to go. Her reason? It is too loud in there. This came from a child who is the queen of noise. I had to hand KIKi off to the teacher while she did her blood curdling scream. What was so funny was the fact that I was getting such shocked looks from the new non seasoned mom's. How could I just walk away and leave my child like that? How dare I? I knew she was fine, I knew the teacher had it under control and I knew they would call me if they continued to have a problem. This is child number 3 for me. I was proud of myself for being able to handle it. I wasn't so strong when the boy's started school. I done good. Yes, I am a seasoned mom.
8 years ago