Dominic is very upset with me today. He attends camp through the recreation dept at our local park. Once a week the kids go on trips to places that aren't exactly close. I just do not feel comfortable sending him on these trips. He is just too young. The first trip is to a water park in PA. He came home from camp the other day telling me that he gets to go to a water park. I had to turn around and tell him that he didnt get to go. I tried to explain that I didnt feel that there was enough supervision for him to go. I feel really bad for him but I am just not ready to let him go. He is only 6. I would go with him on a trip if I could but with my little ones schedule it just isnt possible. I hope he is finished sulking soon so I can see this smiley face.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I am a Mean Ol' Mom
Posted by Jennifer at 6/29/2006 02:46:00 PM 0 comments
Old Age Setting in
How is it that I graduated from high school but yet can't remember a lot of what I learned? I am getting ready to take my college placement tests next week and I am amazed at how much I have forgotten. It has been 17 years but still! I need to do some review so I don't totally bomb. Remedial Classes here I come!! I am so determined to do this and to fulfill my dreams. I am so afraid of failing. Worst case senario is that I don't do well in math and can't get into the nursing program. I do have a backup career. I at least want to try. Hopefully , now that I am older I can be more focused then I was in high school.
I can do ALLTHINGS through Christ who gives me strength!!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 6/29/2006 11:27:00 AM 0 comments