Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Announcing Gracie Noelle

I bet this is the message that you all have been waiting for. Gracie is finally here. After a long night of no sleep and the little one moving up a storm inside my womb, I woke up tired and cranky and ready for my little sweet potato to make her appearance. I was scheduled to have an ultrasound this morning to check her fluid level and if it was low they were planning to do a C section tomorrow am. Well, They placed me on the fetal moniter after breakfast and for some reason her heart rate was sky high and tacky. Next thing I know I was being rushed to the OR for surgery right away. Jim had left 1/2 hour before that to go home and I had to call him to come back. Long story short, her umbillical cord had two knots in it and she was not getting oxygen or anything. They did the surgery right then and there and couldn't even wait for daddy. Was was born at 11:06 am and weighs 8 pounds 2.9 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is extremely healthy with no sugar issues and her lungs were developed. I praise God for a beautiful healthy baby girl.


Quick update. Well it has been a week and I am still in the hospital. Had an amnio yesterday to see if Gracies lungs were developed and they poked me three times ( ouch) and were not able to find a pocket of fluid large enough to take fluid out without risk to hitting Gracie with the needle. She is 8 pounds already so there is no way they are gonna let me wait until the 10th for the C section. I am VERY uncomfortable and having problems with my blood sugar crashing due to vomiting. UGH. SIck of needles for insulin, for bllod checks for amnios, and for IVS!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I had myself a good cry fest because I miss my kids so much. Hopefully today we will have some answers and know what is going on. Meanwhile. Gracie is doing wonderful and extremely active. She just likes to kick and put pressure on my siatica and it makes my legs numb out on me. Sleeping is next to impossible. Hopefully the next time I write it will be about Gracie's arrival. Thank you so much for your prayers. It means the word to me.