I bet this is the message that you all have been waiting for. Gracie is finally here. After a long night of no sleep and the little one moving up a storm inside my womb, I woke up tired and cranky and ready for my little sweet potato to make her appearance. I was scheduled to have an ultrasound this morning to check her fluid level and if it was low they were planning to do a C section tomorrow am. Well, They placed me on the fetal moniter after breakfast and for some reason her heart rate was sky high and tacky. Next thing I know I was being rushed to the OR for surgery right away. Jim had left 1/2 hour before that to go home and I had to call him to come back. Long story short, her umbillical cord had two knots in it and she was not getting oxygen or anything. They did the surgery right then and there and couldn't even wait for daddy. Was was born at 11:06 am and weighs 8 pounds 2.9 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is extremely healthy with no sugar issues and her lungs were developed. I praise God for a beautiful healthy baby girl.
8 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS Jen and family! I'm so happy to hear Gracie is hear safe and sound. Praise God for such a beautiful little blessing. What a gift. : )
What a precious little girl!!!
OMG - she is so beautiful:)
I think she looks JUST LIKE HER MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH! Awesome! She's a keeper!!!!
Yeah!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad she is healthy and ok. I hope that you are too!! You must be extremely tired - take care of you!!!
She is precious!!
Oh she is so beautiful!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you all!!
She is beautiful!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family! ~Kari
YAY.. so glad everythig is ok now. She is sooo cute.. Love all the hair!!!
Congrats to the whole family :)
YAY.. so glad everythig is ok now. She is sooo cute.. Love all the hair!!!
Congrats to the whole family :)
Congratulations! She is precious!
Congratulations guys! She is soo adorable...and what a head full of hair!
You guys take care
Tammy & Erica
A huge congratulations to you all, She is just adorable. I love baby photos... Hope your feeling well.
Amie xx
Dear Gracie, do you know how we prayed for you? You come to family who has waited and loved you more than you'll ever know. We all rejoice that God's hand was on you, sweet miracle baby girl. You will be showered with much love and affection. As you grow older, you call your auntie any time Daddy gets to be too much (I know some secrets that will help you ;) ).
Jim and Jen, I love you both so much and I'm very proud of you. Four amazing little kiddos who will all grow to be amazing people because of you two. I am so excited for your whole family. I love you guys!!!
Jennifer, Jim, Dominic, Reynaldo, and Kiarrah~
Congratulations on the arrival of Gracie Noelle! She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. I agree with Julia, she looks like her mama! What a beautiful head of hair. I am so excited for you all! God has truly blessed your family. We love you all so very much! Enjoy each day with Gracie and always give her an extra hug from her "extended family in Kansas".
Love, Desiree, Kirk and Edward
Congratulations on your precious gift from God.
I am happy to hear everything worked out for the better.
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