Saturday, September 29, 2007

Christmas Toy Rage

Christmas 2006

How many of you get into the Holiday toy rage? Are you always scoping out the must have toy?These are some of the toys that are hot commodities this Christmas. Every year it is something, isn't it? I think we are gonna just buy the kids one big toy they want and then they will get clothing and other stuff they need. We also always try to buy a new family Christmas movie to add to our collection. I just don't want my kids wrapped totally in the commercialism. In fact everything Kiarrah sees on Tv she wants. Doesn't even matter what it is. How do you all handle Christmas?

I Love My Big Brother

Reynaldo is still very very protective of Gracie. He will do anything that needs to be done for her and is always right there when she cries. Is is not at all annoyed with her when she cries but insists on holding her. Gracie always reacts when she hears his voice too. If he is holding her she relaxes and just looks up at him. In fact the other day he was laying in the chair with her and they both fell asleep. Unfortunately I didn't have any batteries for my camera. Their bond is amazing. I really wish that he was like that with Kiarrah. When I say something like that to him he gets upset and says " But MOM she is too bossy". I think he is trying harder though to be more patient with her.

Art Academy

The children are really enjoying their classes at our Church's Art Academy. Dominic is taking Art and is very good at it. I have included a few pictures of some of his work. Not bad for a almost 8 year old. Kiarrah is taking Ballet and Tap. She is loving the movement and is far from shy with her show skills LOL. Reynaldo is taking a Hip Hop Dance class. He loves it but is alittle shy. We are working on that though. These classes are such a good outlet for all of them.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gracie Girl is 2 Months

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hair Today Braids Torrow

Kiarrah got braids put in her hair yesterday and she loves them. I just hope that I can learn how to do them. Her hair has just gotten so unmanageable. I have had a very difficult time finding the right products to use on her. Something will work for awhile and then it just stops working. I had to share this picture with you.

Grow Baby Grow

Gracie turned 7 weeks old today. She is really a good baby. I was blessed with a child that is calm and very happy. She loves to snuggle and lately EAT!! I think she is going through a growth spurt. The Dr. has me putting a little rice cereal in her bottle of formula to thicken it up a little because she is spitting up too much. She loves those bottles and can't get the nipple into her mouth fast enough.

She is in her crib now and is sleeping a lot better. She usually will sleep for 4 hours at a time. We are still trying to help her get her days and night sorted out.

Another Year Older

My baby boy turned 7 yesterday. Where has the time gone? This is always a fun time because Rey and Dom are the same age for almost 2 months. He woke up so excited and was happy to take cupcakes to school for all of his friends. Mema and Pop Pop bought him pants for school and jammies and Aunt Jaimeers got him a cool sweatshirt. From his great grandparent's he got money to buy some new shoes. Mommy and Daddy got him some transformer and spider man toys ,a Dinosaur book and an animal magazine subscription. He is always so thankful with whatever gifts he gets.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Anchors Away

Saturday we went to Liberty State Park and took the Ferry over to the Statue of Liberty and then to Ellis Island. My parents had never been there. The kids loved the Ferry ride and enjoyed using Pop Pop's binoculars. We spent the whole afternoon walking around and exploring. The kids were a little bummed about not being able to go up in the Statue. You have to make reservations way in advance.
Amazingly everyone was on their best behavior.

Great Outdoors

While my parents were here we spent a lot of time outside sitting on the porch while the kids played. It was so beautiful out all week and we enjoyed relaxing in the great outdoors. The kids rode their scooters and played with the neighbor kids.

Does She Look Like Mommy or Daddy?

I really loved these pictures and just had to share. I have come to the conclusion that she just looks like both of us.

Gift from God

On Sunday we had Gracie Dedicated at our Church. It was a beautiful presentation before the Lord. I Thank God for her and realize what a miracle she truly is. She wore an adorable pink and chocolate brown dress from her " Auntie Desiree" and she had on fancy socks and shoes and a hair band that her Nana in Georgia got for her. It was so wonderful having my parents out for a special day. They were not able to be around for the other children's dedications and adoptions so it was nice to have them there on that day.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Life is crazy busy right now. I have my parents in town for a visit over a long weekend. We are having a blast and I am taking a ton of pictures so get ready to have a lot to look at after I get them all uploaded to my computer in a couple of days. You are all gonna beg me to stop with the pictures.
Today we went out for an awesome breakfast. It was one of those stick to the ribs kind of breakfast where you could go the rest of the day without eating. Even the boys ate a lot. Dominic enjoyed Peanut butter and chocolate pancakes. Reynaldo had his usual French toast. I had an awesome California Omelet with avocado in it and I had grits. Jim had waffles and my parents had an egg and meat meal. Miss Kiarrah had FRENCH FRIES. She has gotten to be a pretty picky eater lately.
Later we headed over to Liberty State Park and took the ferry to Ellis Island and to the Statue of Liberty. It was a gorgeous day.
I will try to post again soon