Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Update on my Sick Kiddos

Well, We are off to the Dr. tomorrow am. The fevers just will not stay down. Kiarrahs was low grade all day and then tonight it started spiking again. Reynaldo's is super high and he has had two soaks in the tub to keep it down. I finally called the Dr. and she had me up the meds a little and told me to keep doing the bath thing if it doesn't get lower and to push fluids. Kiarrah has been thirsty but Rey hasn't. I just get so nervous when they are like this and it always happens when he is out of town. UGH. Please pray that we can get through the night with no trips to the ER and that I don't get whatever it is. They are not showing any signs of anything else bothering them except for headaches.


Tamara said...

Oh Jennifer, I am so sorry! I hate when the baby's are sick (not sure if that is the right way to do the baby's thingy). I wish I could do something for you...trying to remember any new tricks we had the last time they were sick (we had 104 for a week not 2 months ago)...I was willing to give sprite, coke, anything to get them to drink!!!! Praying for you guys!!! hope you don't get it! xoxox

Courty said...

Oh no!! Extra prayers for you tonight!! I hope YOU can get some sleep tonight!!


Mrs. Darling said...

so sorry. My kids always get sick when we go out of town. My sympathies to you.

Trella said...

I just said a prayer, and will continue to pray.

Connie said...


Desiree's Daily Life said...

How are the kiddos feeling today? Have you been able to get caught up on some sleep, sweety? Know I am praying for you and the kiddos during this period of illness. I know I hate when Edward is ill. It is so hard being a mommy and seeing our little ones sick.