Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is it Summer Yet?

My kiddos are so ready for school to be over. I don't blame them. I am so tired of the homework everyday. I think it was made to torture parents.
Reynaldo said he is planning to swim all summer in his pool. Well, we don't have a pool yet but I am planning on getting them a big kiddie pool. That is where you are gonna find my pregnant self. Sitting in the pool with a nice glass of Decaf Ice tea!!!! I'll even let the kids splash me. I even found a maternity swim suit on Sale for $6.99!!!! What a deal!!!!
Kiarrah said she gonna go to the beach all summer. Sorry honey with the price of Gas right now that ain't gonna happen very often.
Dominic is planning on riding his scooter. I just pray for no trips to the ER. He is so rough when he plays outside that I am surprised that we have not had any broken bones.
The kids have about 3 more weeks of school.


Caroline said...

WoW - 3 WEEKS! Poor you guys. Friday was Jacob's last day - whoop! He's already vacationing with friends until Saturday. Followed by VBS, Scout camp, Youth mission trip to New Orleans. And that's just June :)

Mindy said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and congrats on being pregnant after a rough time! My in-laws fostered to adopt and have adopted a sibling group of four! WOW!

Many Hugs

Soltana said...

I just got home from Indiana... I grew up in Gary..and Lake Station.. TOO cool we're from around the same parts :) Derek is ready for summer too... I was looking for pool parts... can't find them...gotta get a new one... :(

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Wow 3 more weeks. I think the kids here have been out already for a week, I know we have already had graduations happen and those were at the beginning of May. Personally I think that the mid-west states have the school year all wrong. I didn't start school until the Tuesday after Labor Day and we were done by the beginning of June, weather premitting (no school days and such). They also don't have half days in OK. We had those and they counted as full days of school. I will pray that the next 3 weeks will breeze by for everyone.

JuJu - said...

Bring on SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courty said...

Oh my goodness!! 3 MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL?!?!?! Wow!! Our cities schools got out on May 25! Hopefully these last weeks of school there won't be many tests, homework, or projects!!

Jamie said...

Three weeks? I had forgotten how long the northern states go. I've been out of teaching so long, I've forgotten lots of things.