Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Brick Wall

I feel like I have hit another brick wall where KI is concerned. I took her today to the Neurologist with my list of concerns. Jim called into the meeting and shared his fears too. The Dr. was very frank with us and told her what we are dealing with is all too normal and it will get worst. You see, deep down inside I know this but didn't want to face it. She feels that the community does a disservice to these children. Why are there not enough programs? WHy is the wait list for a Pyschiatrist more than 6 months? We need more help out there. The Dr.'s hands are tied regarding medicine and she is passing us over to the Fetal Alcohol syndrome clinic. We have an appointment next month. It is going to be a long month before that appointment. I need a Dr. that will be aggressive with treatment and will get the ball rolling. I need help with her. I feel like we are not moving forward at all. How do I get help in the home for her? This child is as smart as a whip but yet these horrible behaviors come out. Today she was a complete angel while we were at the Dr.'s. She actually would not even speak which is so not her. I think she was taking everything in though. She had that scheming looking going on. I just know we are not going to survive the summer unless we get some help. I am scared to death that we are not going to make it.


Lori said...

Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry to read this! It is hard to understand!! I shake my head at Nicolai's behavior all too often and wonder about his future! The program that I do still have him on is slow, but I do see slight improvement. I'm 99% sure that this program fits the bill for FAS babies. I don't even know if that's the abbreviation but I'm talking about K's symptoms! It stinks to be in that desparate phase and feeling like you are drowning. Hang in there girl! God will carry you through!! Lean hard on Him! I have and still do some days! I'm that raging child that screams at Him when I don't understand! The program that I do have Nicolai on can be taken with other medications that the doctors prescribe. You can start and when they do finally get around to prescribing something - just tell them what you are doing and have her on and they will let you know if they can do it or not. - Hang in there Sista! I'm praying!

JUST A MOM said...

have you also looked at RAD with her? I think you need to check that too,,, I am praying for you all I so know how hard it can be.... hang in there and find activities for her.

Jamie said...

You will make it...because I know God is faithful and he will see you through.

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Sweety, I am so very sorry. I know that you were hoping that this appointment would provide some answers and solutions for Kiarrah and ultimately the family as a whole. Please know that I will be praying for you and this situation. Call me anytime you need to vent sweety.