What do you do for a child who just has no fear and doesn't even have a clue that there is danger out there and that some actions can cause her to get hurt? I have a child who has no impulse control and thinks nothing of running in the street or going outside by herself or thinks nothing of hanging out a window. Is the wiring that screwed up in her brain? Can you teach a child to fear? Can you teach them to have impulse control? I am just so baffled at how a child can be like that.
8 years ago
I think they do not need to fear, but realize the right thing to do. They require close attention. My son has never been afraid...no problem jumping in the pool - no matter how far away we were (never took our eyes off him) High dive the first time - let's try a dive (!) How about if I can climb to the top of the tool shed and jump off...swing so high I can land outside the pea gravel... Much attention must be paid to him. But how many wonderful things he has experienced because he's not afraid..
I don't know what to tell youabout the fear thing.. I think I would be afraid.... Just got caught up on the rest of your stories..So funny about your hubby... Mine is the same wasy. I told him he wasn't 20 anymore when he tore his acl playing bball with the "kids"...men... what are we to do???
I have a child who is like that. It drove me crazy when she was a lot younger. It still drives me crazy:) I have just had to teach her what she can do and what is not right to do. She also doesn't learn my watching others, so I pretty much have to explain to her things, that other people just pick up.
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