My husband took Kiarrah on Friday to his company picnic which is held up at camp. It was a nice relaxing day for me. I basically didn't do a thing but I will chalk that up as following Dr.'s orders. Well, while at camp I find out that Jim decided to forget that he is 38 years old and not as sturdy as he used to be. He decides to ride a slide board scooter down a hill really fast!! What he forgot to notice is that there was a bump in the road up ahead and he hit it head on and went flying in the air with not the greatest of ease and hit the ground and slide for quite awhile. Meanwhile removing several layers of skin in the process on his whole leg and hand.
They cleaned him as best they could and he headed home to share his great excitement with me. The dummy wanted to do it again until he saw the blood. My past few days have been spent bandaging and unbandaging him and cleaning his wounds. Thank God it doesn't gross me out and I still want to be a nurse. He is trying to seek a lot of pity from me but he ain't getting it. Stupidity doesn't deserve it. Big Mr. Macho Jim can barely walk and whimpers when he gets bandages changed. Toughen up big guy.
8 years ago
Ooooo owe!! I could never do it. The thought of raw skin, just gets me sick!!
First part...not funny
Second part...TOO FUNNY!!!
What a guy...
I'll bet his pride was as hurt as the other bumps and bruises!
How funny! I can see myself getting into the same type of trouble.
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