Thursday, June 14, 2007

Life in Joisey

I am kind of in a funk today. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed. My hormones must be out of whack or something. I need a nap. I am going to spend the morning going through 2 boxes of baby stuff that my friend Crystal in TX sent me. What a blessing. I actually cried when I opened the boxes. For some reason it hit me, I AM HAVING A BABY. I mean I have know it all along but it just seems so much more real because the time is getting closer. I still have so much to do to prepare but yet need to take it easy and then on other days I have no energy.
We have a huge production at church on Saturday. Kiarrah will be dancing with her Creative Movements Class. They are dancing to Zipadee Doo Da and she will be a sunflower. The boys will be animals. Also some of Dominic's art work will be on display. He is extremely creative and already has his own palette as his instructor says. We are so blessed to have an Art's Academy through our church. Reynaldo's drum class will not be doing anything in the show this year. Maybe next year. He is gonna make a cute little mouse though.
I will be sure to take pictures.


Soltana said...

Girl you better take it easy.. I know its hard... Isn't it great when you get cool packages in the mail ?? when cerah was born the day i got home from the hospital a HUGE box came from Holly... Hvae fun at the program..can't wait to see the pics

Trella said...

How wondeful for your children to have those activites through your church. I look forward to the pictures.
I will be prying for your mood, and what a blessings to be given those clothes.

Susan said...

What a nice thing to get the box of clothes. Hope you get back your full joy in the Lord.