Friday, May 04, 2007

KiKi Funnies

We were walking to pick up the boys from School yesterday and Kiarrah had something in her shoe and says to me " Mommy I have something Spicy in my shoe". I think she meant to say Spiky.

I asked Kiarrah to go in the bathroom and get her spray for her hair so I could style it. She says " You mean the one that makes my hair perfect?


Lori said...

That is too cute!!

Tamara said...

Adorable! Thank you for your comment on my blog...I am still struggling with my Bible reading, so there you go! :) I can't wait to read more about you on your blog, you are adopting, I am totally inspired by adoptive parents and would someday like to be one! I am working on my husband...hopefully God will let BOTH of us know when the time is right. Right now, we are just enjoying our four beautiful blessings! They are HILARIOUS aren't they? My latest is my boy twin (2 1/2) was holding his finger to his nose (covering his nasal passages) and saying mommy watch this and blowing with his mouth closed so it moved his finger..he thought it was great. And he is really hard to understand so it is even funnier! :) Sorry for the long comment!! :) In Him,

Soltana said...

SOO cute... Derek is always saying funny things, Tonight at a parade he asked me what a sign next to us said..I told him no drugs..then I was thinking oh gosh what if he asks what drugs are... instead he said... oh no frogs allowed here?? These kids are tooo funny!!