Sunday, April 29, 2007

Question of the Week?????

If you go go back and change one thing in your life what would it be and why?


Jamie said...

Hi Jennifer...

Not to avoid your question of the week, but I wanted to come over and say thank you for all the wonderful comments you post on my blog. It amazes me that people I have never met take the time to read about all the craziness in my life. I'm always happy to see you there, so I thought I'd come check out your blog. I was so excited when I saw you are pregnant. Looks like I have a lot of reading to do. I'll be back!

Soltana said...

Im not sure what I would change ?? Maybe the reationship with my mom.. it hasn't always been the greatest. Other than that I think eveything is pretty normal........ OH WAIT....I'd have LOTS AND LOTS of money :)
Have a great day!! Are you feeling any better??

Jennifer said...

I am feeling ok. Just very Tired. I go for my appointment today. I am very nervous. Hopefully I will be coming back home today and they wont be admitting me.

Mrs. Darling said...

I have too many things to even list. Wish you all the best at the doctors today.

Anonymous said...

I would change a couple things, not to have to ever diet, blessed with thin genes and straight hair not curly, maybe more money. Life is good woth my 3 boys and finally not working!
Good luck at dr. Audra

Soltana said...

Good luck at the DR!!

Lori said...

I would pay closer attention to my health and how I ate!

Anonymous said...

This question really stuck with me and I really had to think it over carefully. My first instinct was to say heck yeah I would change this and then that but the more I thought about it well.... You see I realized that if not for the many twists and turns of my choices some smart some really really dumb I would not be who I am today. I would also not be married to the most awesome husband in the world. I also seriouly doubt if God would be in my life. So my answer is..... there is nothing I would change because I am happy where I am right now.


Desiree's Daily Life said...

Hmmm there is a lot that I would love to go back and change in my life, I guess the biggest one would be not having premartial sex and staying a virgin until married. I personally feel that this is one thing that could have changed alot in my life and gave me a different out come maybe for the most part. Another thing I would change is not having gone straight to college after High School, because now I just can't seem to find the time to squeeze it in.