Thursday, August 31, 2006
The battles of getting Reynaldo to eat
Reynaldo is still not eating well for me and is still not putting on weight. Dominic has informed us why this is. He sure saved me a trip to the Dr. Dominic's theory is that Reynaldo is not hungry because he eats his finger nails!!! Why didn't I think of that.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/31/2006 08:30:00 AM 1 comments
What a Morning
Kiarrah threw a temper tantrum from the moment she woke up today. She wanted Fruit snacks and I would not give in. The deal lately has been if she stays dry at school with no accidents she can have a pack of fruit snacks as a reward. She screamed and kicked with real tears. I can't understand how the boys managed to sleep through it. No Dear Kiarrah, Mommy is not going to give in to you even though you are adorable.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/31/2006 08:25:00 AM 1 comments
Pictures from Trip
Dominic and Cousin TimmyAunt Jaimeers and Kiarrah
Rey Enjoying Aunt Mindi and Uncle Todd's Pool
Posted by Jennifer at 8/31/2006 08:17:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Back from Vacation
We arrived back home Sunday night, late, after a wonderful vacation spent with family and friends in Indiana. The kids had a blast spending a lot of time outside swimming, playing ball and running with cousins. It was a very relaxing time and I dreaded come back to Jersey. I guess I am not such a city girl after all. I enjoyed sitting on my parents porch listening to the cicada's and watching cars and people walk by in slow motion. Heck people are just downright friendly. I walked into a store and asked where to find something and I was greeted with " Well, First of all Welcome honey and let me show you where to find that". Sales clerks actually offer to help you find something. Everything just seems so much more laid back. This whole visit made be want to "get the heck out of Dodge".
I got to see my sisters. All I can say is WOW about my sister Jaimee. She looks amazing. She had gastric bypass a year ago. She is less than half the person she was.
My grandparents have gotten so much older and that really saddened me. I spent some good quality time with them though.
My mom made some amazing meals as usual and we went to my Aunts for dinner one night for her wonderful lasagna.
The trip out was not a joy. Reynaldo and Kiarrah fought the whole way and we also hit so much construction. Also it was hard to find a hotel due to Little League world series being held. They jacked up all the prices at the ones that did have rooms available.
On the way back home we stopped in Ohio for a visit with Jim's Aunt and Uncle. We enjoyed a meal with them and visited for a few hours. Hi Aunt was another person who looked amazing. She had the surgery too. I didn't recognize her at all.
The trip home was uneventful. Same sibling fighting and construction but that is to be expected.
I will try to post some pictures later.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/29/2006 08:17:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Bullies and Jesus
While sitting on the porch waiting for Kiarrah to get home from her program, Reynaldo asked me why we always talk about Jesus. After I gave him an explanation he then proceeded to ask me why Bullies don't talk about Jesus. He then said that they should. Out of the mouths of babes.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/15/2006 12:46:00 PM 0 comments
Dominic got in big trouble at camp yesterday. With everything that has been happening with him lately and his anger I am worried about what lies ahead. We had gone through such a wonderful lull.
I really need to work with him on his social skills. I will admit he has been dealing with a rough bunch of kids at camp and he wants to fit in so bad. There was a boy that kept cutting in line and Dominic had had enough and decided to spit in the boys face. I was shocked because he had never done that before. I tried to explain to him that he can't take matters into his own hands because then he is the one that will get into trouble. How do you teach a child to stand up for themselves but yet not hurt the other child? He doesn't read social cues very well like most children with Aspergers and I see how it can cause some problems for him. 1st grade should be interesting.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/15/2006 09:47:00 AM 0 comments
I hate Racism
You know, Some people just really irritate me. I took the kids to the park after church on Sunday to get all their hyperness out. While there the boys were playing with two other little boys, one of which was very aggressive. All of the boys were playing rough. One of them kept throwing the mulch at Dominic and he was getting very angry. Dominic started throwing stuff back at him and then Reynaldo stepped in because no matter how much Dom and him fight, Rey is very loyal and hates to see others being picked on. He decided to shove the boy. THEY WERE ALL GUILTY AS CHARGED. I headed over in that direction to intervene. ( I usually try to let the boys work things out on their own until it gets out of control)The mother of the other boys gets there first and starts yelling at MY children. I froze. I didn't even know what to do because she had a very strong attitude. I proceeded to pull the boys away from her and apologized and said that all of them were out of control and they need to keep their hands to themselves and stop throwing stuff. She gives me a dirty look when we walk away.
I proceeded to put the boys in a time out because of what they did. When I let them go play Dominic decided to go play ball with two little Polish kids. He was having a blast and my other two children were playing on the jungle gym.
The mother of the two boys from earlier comes over to me and says REALLY Loud with Attitude ( head bobbling finger waving) "You see your boy over there? You need to tell him to come back here on the equipment. Someone could take him. You need to watch him". I was shocked. First of all, He was close by. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am very overprotective of my kids and can be very neurotic while out in public with them. They have to be right by me. I know the dangers that lurk out there and I deal with anxiety daily over something happening to them. Dominic was not in any danger, He was close by, there were a lot of kids playing over there. After she said this to me she went back to her table of friends and proceeded to talk all loud and look at me. I didn't make Dominic come over to me. In fact the woman I was speaking to prior to her announcement rolled her eyes and was like " What's her problem?" Here is where the racism comes in. I am white, my kids are black and Hispanic and she was black. She obviously has a problem with me and my children. Why did she only say something to me about my child? Why didn't she go to the other parents whose children were farther away? She accomplished what she wanted. She upset me and it has bothered me for days. Why are people like this?
Posted by Jennifer at 8/15/2006 08:42:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Peaceful Day
The kids and I had a pretty enjoyable day today. Kiarrah went to her program this morning and then the boys and I met her there for a visit with the psychiatrist. He went fairly well. He decided to add a medicine to help her sleep at night. She is always so wired in the evenings. It is like she held her hyperactivity in all day and needed to just let it all out at night. So she is hyper all evening and can't relax to fall asleep. After that, we went and say the movie Barnyard. We all really enjoyed it.Kiarrah decided that she wants a Branyard. Do I have a little farm girl on my hands? I met my friend Dawn and her daughter afterwards at the mall and we had an early dinner followed by a trip to the park that didn't last long due to RAIN!!! I could barely see the road coming home. All in all a pretty decent day with only a few battles of the Wills. Kiarrah threw a tantrum at bedtime with her usually " I hate my room, I hate my bed, I wanna sleep in your bed mommy. Needless to say she is sleeping on the floor in the boys nice and cool room. We have another storm coming through and I had to shut all the windows.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/10/2006 08:25:00 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
" Those who have had the easiest of lives, have missed the Greatest of God's Blessings"
Charles Stanley
I heard this quote on the radio the other night and it really struck a cord with me.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/09/2006 12:50:00 PM 0 comments
Yes, God Does Plan Adoptions
I recently got a response to my post When God brings you to it, He will see you through it that really saddened me. The women felt that I was wrong in saying that God plans adoptions. In fact she finds it offensive when people say that. She compared saying that to saying God plans Rapes, Fires, murders, floods, dieases, cancers and many other horrible things. If you look at the top of my blog you will see that I have the verse Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Unforunately Bad things happen around us all the time. I don't beleive that God causes these things to happen whether it be something personal in our life like an illness or something devastating like 9-11. Man kind insists on self- destruction . "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder,adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander". (Matthew 15:19) God might allow us to go through things. I feel that sometimes He allows these things so that we might see the true evilness of man. He wants us to change. He wants us to turn towards him and follow him. I beleive that there are a lot of things that God does protect us from that we never know about.
I do not place Adoption in the same category as a natural disaster as the writer of the comment did. I feel that my husband and I were used to bring my children out of their circumstances just like many other adoptive parents. God sees the big picture and knew the children I would adopt. As far as parents who must give up their children, no , it is not God's desire for them not to handle the task, but if they are not able to handle the task, someone else has to be raised up. God doesn't want us to go through the hurts. In fact in the beginning we were made perfect by God but our own desires and curiousity takes things in a different direction.
I praise God for the fact that some people have the discerment to recognize that they need to place their children elsewhere. I met the B mom of my middle son. She loved her son with her whole heart but was just not able to care for him and provide him with a safe and healthy home environment. She loved him so much that she did an identified surrender. She wanted us to adopt him. She knew we were a Christian home and wanted him with us. I know she felt pain to let him go but her child's deliverance was a gift. " All good and perfect gifts are from above" I don't feel that God's Plan was for that baby to be for us when he was placed in her womb but God knew that she would have a choice and knew this child would be adopted.
The author of the comment uses the word blame. Offering thanks and blaming are two different things. God is a Sovereign God but yet he doesn't force us to do as He wants us to do. We have that Free Will.
So Yes I do think God had a big part in adoption of my children. Look at all the children in the world that are orphans. Is this all part of God's perfect will? There are too many children in this world that are without families that just float around in the foster system. I know that there are people in this world that are going to choose the route of adoption. We are all given a free will to choose which path in life we are going to take. God knew I would be faced with infertility and He had another plan for my life. With his prodding I was able to see what He had planned for my family. He sees the big picture and has my whole life planned out. I give Him all the Praise and Glory.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/09/2006 08:11:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adoption, Bipolar, Faith, foster care, Pictures
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tea Time
I have a huge smile on my face. I received a wonderful surprise in the mail today. One of my best friends decided to surprise me with a box of assorted teas, a mug , tea bag plate and other accessories. She is too good to me and I am blessed to know her. The tea will really come in handy because of my cold. I am off to fix myself a nice cup of mango tea.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/07/2006 12:09:00 PM 0 comments
I am so sick of my PCO's. Why do I have to lose hair on my head but have hair grow on my chin.?It is so darn frustrating. Why do I have to struggle so hard to drop some weight? It seems like everything is against me sometimes.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/07/2006 08:13:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Berry Good Time
After vetoing our plan to go to the beach due to mine and Jim's cold, we decided to go to a farm in Princeton to do some berry picking. We soaked up some sunrays as we picked Blueberries and Blackberries. I was really hoping for Raspberries but they were extremely scarce. Kiarrah was an excellent blueberry picker and got very excited when she saw large ones.
We also visited the store for corn and peaches.
The kids moods were not the best today and it was a bit frustrating dealing with them on the ride out there. We just didn't want to stay home. The three of them have been fighting like cats and dogs. When does school start? I am counting down the days.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/06/2006 06:20:00 PM 4 comments
Personality test
After reading Kari's post this morning I decided to try the personality test myself. I really wasn't shocked by my results. It even confirms my desire to be a nurse.
Life as an INFJ
(Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger)
People of this type tend to be: creative, original, and independent; thoughtful, warm, and sensitive; global thinkers with great passion for their unique vision; cautious, deliberate, and planful; organized, productive, and decisive; reserved and polite.
The most important thing to INFJs is their ideas, and being faithful to their vision.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/06/2006 08:52:00 AM 0 comments
When God Brings you to it, He will see you through it
When my husband and I decided to adopt our children, we had so many people ask us if we were sure we wanted to and could handle adopting children that had special needs. At the time of adoption, Dominic was evaluated and we knew what his needs were. We knew from the first day of having him in our home that he was to be our child. I always told people "How could we not adopt him?" When you give birth to a child, you don't always know if that child is going to be 100% healthy and problem free.
When Reynaldo started to show signs of some major issues after adoption, I didn't question adopting him. I think real love is blind to those issues. I knew we could get through it. I also knew he was the child for me. God had blessed us with children in his way. For a long time when I prayed I wanted God to fill my womb with a child. I was so adamantly against fostercare because I love children so much and would get very attached. I couldn't handle the disappointment if the child would have to leave to go back to family.
While walking down the the long road of infertility, I was assaulted with Foster care everywhere I went. I couldn't get away from it. It was in articles I read in magazines, in novels I read and in conversations with people I met. What was God trying to tell me. There was a need so great out there. God gently prepared us for the road less traveled. He had a plan for us and we didn't even know it yet. I remember one Sunday in church during that time when the Pastor spoke about how God answers our prayers but not always the way that we want them answered. It hit me that God was going to bless us with a child. We had decided to take the classes and get licensed and work with boarder babies.
We were taught that most of these children do have some kind of physical or emotional problems. We knew that early intervention was key and we needed to be an advocate for the children. I can't even fathom the life that these children would have had if they were not taken in and adopted. We took each child in and loved them with our whole heart. You can't be a good foster parent in my opinion if you don't give your whole heart. These children need to know that they are safe, that they can attach and know you are there, and need to know you love them. I remember when we got Reynaldo. This child was so floppy and like a rag doll. He didn't cry. It was like he had never attached to anyone. It broke my heart. We had been his fourth placement during the first 9 months of his life. I will never forget when he first cried and the look of surprise on his face when I answered his cry. From that moment on we bonded. He clung to me and loved attention. I poured it on thick because he needed it. It was almost like he was a sponge. He couldn't get enough love. As he has grown I can see how , not getting that love and attention and special bonding during his first nine months of life has affected him. I know he is better than he could be but I see how that lack of love has changed him. Through therapy I have learned that I can't go back and change that fact in his life. I can't make up for it. Only through Gods help can that time in his life be healed. He is loved and nurtured now and we have made a difference in his life. See God had a plan. When Rey starting showing signs of his BiPolar I will admit I was very upset and having a pity party. I was angry at God. I questioned him. I didn't feel like I could handle two children with special needs. I was overwhelmed and feeling scared. Family members asked me if I was sure I would be able to handle him. At first I got so angry at them for even saying that but looking back I saw that they were concerned for me and my health with my stress level. Only with God's help have I made it over that hurdle of self-doubt.
When we got Kiarrah and she showed signs of Major ADHD I knew that we were in for it. She is a very strong willed child. I knew then that we had reached our cap on kids. Maybe in a few years when my children are in school we will be able to open our home back up to another child. Right now we feel like we have reached our limit. My husband and I have been able to love them and raise them with their disablities because we have a partnership. The main reason we have the strength to do it is because we rely on our faith in God. He helps us. When God brings you to it. He will see you through it.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/06/2006 08:04:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 05, 2006
My 5 year old is really driving me crazy these past few days. He has a tendency to talk me into cooking or preparing something for him to eat and then he doesn't want to eat. Or he will ask me for seconds and I will just give him alittle bit and he doesn't eat it. I will even ask him if he is sure he is still hungry before I give it to him. He will pull this a lot at suppertime and then wake up ravenous and demanding breakfast right then and there. Dear son let me wake up first.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/05/2006 08:58:00 AM 0 comments
Summer Cold
I am just downright miserable today. I have an awful summer cold and can't breathe through my nose.
Yesterday, I found someplace for all the kiddos to be and I took Jim out to dinner for his birthday. We had a gift certificate from Christmas that we had not used yet so we went there for lunch. I really did not want to go but I knew it isn't often I get a babysitter. His birthday is actually today but he is singing at a church all day today. He was there last night too.
He ordered a steak and was in pure heaven. I ordered a fancy tuscany turkey sandwich but I couldn't taste a single thing.
Today I am going to make Jim Spaghetti which he will be thrilled about.
I pray that the kids will behave today because I am feeling so worn out and short tempered.
I am off to find some kleenex.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/05/2006 08:16:00 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 03, 2006
It's a part of Life
My son Dominic asked me this morning if I was going to die when I get old. I said yes, and then he asked if Daddy was going to die too. I said " Yes everyone dies when they get old (not wanting to get into the fact that some people might even die when they are young)but he didn't need to worry about that right now because mommy and daddy aren't going anywhere right now and he will be a grown man with a family of his own when we die". He was very upset and started to cry. He had brought it up again later and it seems to really be bothering him. I would love some advice on this if anyone feels like sharing.
Posted by Jennifer at 8/03/2006 01:02:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Wet Pants Story
I received this in an email today and it really touched me. I am not sure who the authors is. We could all learn a lesson from this.
Come with me to a third grade classroom....
There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk
and all of a sudden
there is a puddle between his feet
and the front of his pants
are wet.
He thinks his heart is going to stop
because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.
It's never happened before,
and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it.
When the girls find out,
they'll never speak to him again
as long as he
The boy believes his heart is going to stop,
he puts his head down and prays this prayer,
"Dear God, this is an emergency!
I need help now!
Five minutes from now I'm dead meat."
He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher
with a look in her eyes that says
he has been discovered.
As the teacher is walking toward him,
a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water.
Susie trips in front of the teacher
and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water
in the boy's
The boy pretends to be angry,
but all the while is saying to himself,
"Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, Lord!"
Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule,
the boy is the object of sympathy.
The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on
while his pants dry out.
All the other children are on their hands and knees
cleaning up around his desk.
The sympathy is wonderful.
as life would have it,
the ridicule that should have been his
has been transferred to some one else -
She tries to help, but they tell her to get out.
"You've done enough,
you klutz!"
at the end of the day,
as they are waiting for the bus,
the boy walks over to Susie and whispers,
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"
Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."
Posted by Jennifer at 8/01/2006 10:54:00 AM 3 comments