Wednesday, May 09, 2012


I'm starting to feel a little bit more in control of the situation of moving. More is packed and things are scheduled for connection and disconnection and address changes have been made. I just want this to be a smooth transition.
One event that helped matters is that my oldest son was accepted into the school that he had applied and tested for. It is a Charter school that is for gifted accelerated kids. The school is grades 7-12. It made me breathe a huge sigh of relief because it is a great school and then I don't have to worry about high school like I was. The high schools here are the worst. They are under constant lock down and there is a lot of gang activity. There are a few other schools but they are very difficult to get into. I am very proud of him and I pray that he can keep his grades up and focus.
We have decided to send our oldest daughter to a private Christian school. She will do well there but it is going to cost us a pretty penny. It will be worth it in the end though. My son Reynaldo will continue being home schooled and I am still not sure what we will do for Gracie. I am  leaning towards homeschooling her also for Kindergarten. I would then like to get her into the same school as Kiarrah the following year. I would have done it this year but we missed the deadline for the scholarships.
The kids are feeling so mixed about the move. One minute they are happy, the next they are a little anxious.
This is going to be one busy Weekend!


JUST A MOM said...

Well hello there,,, lie4 sounds great for you. I have taken my blog off private if ya wana check in.... have a great weekend I will catch up when I have more time.