Friday, April 27, 2012

Back to the Basics

It has been such a long time since I have updated this blog. The world of Facebook and MyFitnesspal has threatened to take over but sometimes we need to just get back to the basics. I have missed writing here and I feel like I left a whole world behind. I have made some awesome friends through the blog world. I think its time to get back to the basics and do some writing more than a brief status update :)
The Bishop family is size not family size (I credit that line to my dear creative friend Danisia) We are moving to a 4 bedroom in a few weeks. I had hoped to never leave my home but a guy had to come into the picture (darn those men) and steal the heart of my landlord, who mind you, threatened if we ever tried to move that she would hunt us down. So said relationship and upcoming marriage has required us to relocate. We had until August to find a place but started looking right away due to our family size and budget. My heart was set on escaping Jersey City and moving to the burbs somewhere. Everyone knows I am not a fan of the city. BUT!!! Yes that is a big BUT. God has other plans! You can try and run but you can't hide lol. What is so funny about this is the fact that I am the one who found the place. It is spacious and has a lot of potential after a good cleaning and a few coats of paint. The previous tenants?? Well I suspect a serious case of being colorblind or gaudy taste lol.
I look forward to the two older boys having separate rooms and actually even being on different floors. There might be a little more peace and quiet now.
The kids are finishing up a year of school. We are trying to finalize our plans for them next school year. Its hard to believe that Dominic will be in Junior High. I miss my baby. Gracie will be in Kindergarten.
Well, I best get back to packing.