Sunday, January 02, 2011

Christmas 2010

It has been so incredibly long since I have taken the time to write in my blog. I don't understand why because frankly I really enjoy having the outlet. I have decided that I am going to start at it again and I am also not going to let dear old FACEBOOK  consume me.
It is the start of a new year. Another clean slate is available for me to try not to smear. I am excited about the possibilities that 2011 present.
We had a nice Christmas this year. It was really hard not to be around my family. There is just something about being in Indiana and the traditions that are present this year. We decided to start a few of our own traditions this year and resume some others.  The kids seemed to enjoy themselves and were very well behaved during this break.
Christmas Eve we went out to dinner at The Brownstone Diner with Danisia. It was nice but a little rough because the kids were tired and cranky. Mainly Gracie. I think if we do that again we will go earlier. We came back to the house and just chilled and Naadu came over to bring Gracie a present. It was nice and relaxing and drama free.
Christmas morning we had to wake Noah up. He is always up any other day.The kids opened up their gifts while MeMa and Pop Pop watched on Skype.  It almost felt like they were here with us.
After presents and a breakfast of eggs and cinnamon rolls, we got dressed and went to Uncle Don and Chucks house in Staten Island. We had a blast. The day was spent playing games, talking and a delicious Italian meal. Chuck is an awesome cook.