Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Long Time No Write

I can't believe how bad I have been about updating my blog. I used to love to post here but Facebook has been sucking me in. I have been reconnecting with a lot of old friends. I have so much to share but where do I even begin.

Let's see. I am 17 weeks pregnant. I am having a BOY! We went for the Ultrasound on February 25th. Dominic, Kiarrah and Gracie went with us and Reynaldo went on a play date. He didn't care as long as we called him because he was excited for the play date with his friend Kuda. When we found out it was a boy Kiarrah was upset and said no, that's not a boy and then proceeded to say " That SUCKS" ( tell us how you really feel Ki LOL) Dominic smiled and wanted to see the rest of the Ultrasound. He was fascinated with what he was seeing on the screen. When we called Reynaldo he screamed with excitement. He was happy with a boy or a girl but I think deep down inside he did want a boy but didn't want to get his hopes up like he did with Gracie. Our little baby boy was not shy at all. I was surprised it was a boy because of how sick I have been feeling. He is growing wonderfully. Of course I just can't have a normal pregnancy but have to have some kind of abnormality. I think God is showing off again. He will get all the glory in the end because I was told I would never get pregnant and here I am pregnant again. He has what is called a 2 vessel umbilical cord. One is an artery and the other a vein. It "can" be a sign of a problem but in 90% of the pregnancies everything is fine. It happens in 1% of pregnancies. Of course being as "special" as I am I am the 1%. I am due on August 13th but will go about 10 days early with a C Section.

This has been a crazy pregnancy with off and on morning sickness and weird cravings. I love salad with French dressing. I am usually not a fan at all of this kind of dressing. I also have been grooving on apples and sesame bagel with cream cheese. I had one night where I had to have Mexican food. Of course I want to junk too. I can't have ice cream at all. It doesn't agree with me. I also can't stand the site of ketchup.

What was even funnier is when Jim and I went out for Valentines Day. I HAD to have fish. When I was pregnant with Gracie I couldn't stand the smell, sight or even thought of fish. For some reason that day I wanted it. Now if you were to offer it to me today you would get a big fat UGH! It is weird how your body reacts to smells and sights and such.

We have decided to name our little guy Noah Perry.