Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Posted by Jennifer at 11/10/2009 12:47:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 02, 2009
I'm Back
Gracie was quite excited when Noah was brought home. She was convinced that he was her birthday present. Noah and I were discharged on Gracie's 2nd Birthday. She insisted on constantly touching him and "helping" Then a little jealousy set in. She has to be watched like a hawk with him. Kiarrah, Dominic and Reynaldo were so excited when he came home and are extremely helpful with him. Gracie has become the official Diaper thrower outer. Reynaldo is the soother. He loves to cuddle with him and calm him when he is crying. Dominic is the official Greeter. He is the first one in the room in the morning to tell Noah good morning and loves to talk to him. Noah always follows his voice. Kiarrah just loves to do everything. She loves being a big sister. Gracie and her have gotten a lot closer now that the two of them share a room. She really helps me a lot with her. I am truly blessed with all of my cuties and my gorgeous hubby.
Posted by Jennifer at 10/02/2009 12:51:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Ahh It's June
I really miss writing in my blog and going to attempt to be more faithful at it. Life has been crazy busy as usual. I am now 30 weeks pregnant and just miserable. I know I should be loving every minute of being pregnant because it is such a blessing but I am just so uncomfortable and tired. I recently starting taking iron pills due to it being low. Baby Noah is just sitting so low and putting a lot of pressure. I am also having an upset tummy and finding it hard to eat because I always feel so full. I go to the Dr.on thursday so we will see what he has to say. I just don't feel like I will actually make it 8 more weeks. I have so much to do to get ready yet.
The other 4 munchkins are their usual self. Dominic is finishing up 3rd grade. He will be moving up to the Hope Program next year which is the gifted and talented class. He has been getting straight A's. Reynaldo is doing a little bit better in school and will be participating in the extended school year. It lasts for 14 days and is only 1/2 day. We will take anything we can to help him transition into 3rd grade. His Bipolar has been majorly out of control. He will be starting some in home therapy and a mentor program this week after we called the mobile Crisis division. It has gotten pretty scary and I actually don't even have the energy to share about it right now. Just please keep our whole family in prayer as we seek help in this area. I am thankful that I get strength from my God.
Kiarrah is excited to be graduating Kindergarten. Actually they call it a moving up ceremony here. She has been a sneaky little one lately and I will need to share some of her antics soon. She is proud to announce that she has stopped biting her nails and has not gotten strep again. She was getting it month after month due to putting her hands in her mouth all the time. The Dr. threatened her with a shot the next time she got it and it happened. I think she learned her lesson.
Gracie is a little sweetie pie. She sure has been testing my limits though. Ahhhh the terrible twos. She is growing like a weed and favors cookies for every meal. No I don't give them to her haha. She has quite the personality. She loves music and doggies.
We finally got a van to fit the growing family. It is such a blessing and quite a testimony in itself. I will need to come back and write about these things. Now I have no excuse of not knowing what to write about.
Posted by Jennifer at 6/02/2009 10:43:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Long Time No Write
Posted by Jennifer at 3/04/2009 11:00:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Prayers Needed
I am finally feeling a little more alive and can eat a bit more. I have been wanting cereal. Of course they are not the healthiest choices of cereal but hey if I can keep it down then it is better than nothing.
Yesterday I received some very hard to swallow news and I would really appreciate your prayers. My grandfather who is 85 has a mass on each lung. He will be going for a scan again tomorrow to see if the brain area has been affected with the cancer. He doesn't have any of the typical symptoms of lung cancer but it is blatantly there. He had gone in for a scan of the heart due to leg swelling. His circulation is not what it used to be. they just so happened to stumbled upon the lung issue. I am thankful they found it and pray that he has more time on this earth. I appreciate your prayers. His name is Bob
Posted by Jennifer at 1/14/2009 01:39:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pity Party Please
Well, today I am 10 weeks 4 days pregnant. It has been a very rough go up this this month. I had truly thought I would avoid the miserable all day sickness that plagued me when I was pregnant with Gracie but it did show up alittle later than it did with her. UGH! This weekend was hard because I have a nasty sinus infection on top of the mess and the post nasal drip just does wonders to my gag reflexes. I will admit defeat and say yes I am miserable. It is so hard when you know you have eat to nourish the baby and nothing remotely sounds good. I have been living off of Popsicles and bananas (although a little hesitant to try the latter as it didn't stay down last time I tried). Smells are even worst. I am driving my husband batty. Everything stinks and sends me over the edge. I had to suffer through washing some dishes this morning because I feel so bad that my husband has had to do so much extra but I literally gagged over the food on the plates,,, Oh and don't even get me started on my hair issue. I see pieces of hair every where and feel like I am constantly going to hack up a fur ball. I feel like there is hair in my throat. This issue is nothing new and something I struggled with when I was pregnant with Gracie. I know it is all worth it in the end my I just needed this little pity party to express exactly what I am going through.
Posted by Jennifer at 1/12/2009 11:54:00 AM 4 comments