Gracie has been shocking us with her language skills. She is finally saying a few words. The other day she was taking a bath and Jim came home from work. She gets very excited when she hears him lately. When he came into the bathroom to see her she started waving her hand and said hi da and she kept waving. She was trying to get out of the bath and into his arms. He was tickled pink about it. Yesterday she was playing in our room and knocked a box off of Jim's nightstand. Right away she made a shocked face and said clear as day utoh. I busted up laughing and she kept looking at me with an O face like, what did I do? She also says mama, dada and bye bye. She has said bye bye in quite awhile though. She is also too cute when she makes people laugh. She knows she is being funny and laughs and looks at your for a response. Her father and I both can be humorous and think she has that trait. I love all her new discoveries every day. She has learned to climb on to her ride on toys and while in Indiana she learned to climb my parents steps on the first try. She had also climbed up my dad to get onto his Lap. He of course had something she wanted, LIME SHERBET. More on that later. That was hilarious.
8 years ago
Hey Jennifer! Thanks for your comment! I was just wondering how you found my blog. Thanks for the encouragement about not giving up hope. I really need to remember that sometimes. Your family seems so joyful! Congratulations on having on of your own after struggling with PCOS and on adopting all of those children out of foster care. You are a precious gem!
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