How in the world do you stop kids from tattling? If I hear one more time, He's looking at me, I am going to lose it. They did it constantly on vacation too. I know they are cute and all but this has got to stop before this momma goes bonkers!!!!! I welcome your advice.
8 years ago
I always so enjoy seeing photos of your family! It's amazing how quickly they've grown since I've started reading your blog.
We have tackled tattling as an obedience issue. If we have asked our daughter to stop and she does not, then she is being disobedient. Disobedience leads to a consequence.
It has cut down on the tattling in our house greatly(although she is tattling on a 22 month old who doesn't do all that much). I'm sure it will be more of a challenge as they age and both go at it full force.
I don't know the answer to that! We are not at that stage yet! We do have lots of lying going on though - how do I stop that?!!
Thanks for your previous comment! I wish we lived closer - we could "do life" together and make it through this child raising! It's crazy, isn't it?! We had some hope this morning. We went and talked with an occupational therapist. She right away, had several things that we could do at home to help Nicolai with his "ticks" or weird things right away. The lashing out, rages, etc. So I'm hopeful that these steps we are taking with the OT are very productive!!
To cut down on tattling, we have been teaching Edward to kindly ask the person to stop, if that doesn't work and if it is possible, get up and move away from them. If they continue, ask them nicely to stop again, if they still insist, then you can tell an adult. The only reason to skip all the steps and go straight to an adult is if they are physically hurting him or someone else, playing with something dangerous (like a knife or matches), or are hurting themselves physically.
There is a great book called Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman. She is a Christian Mom. She has some great methods.
2 ways I found that might work,,,, IF YOU ARE THE TATTLER THEN YOU GET THE PUNISHMENT,,,,,
Then maybe try just saying.... I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT....
either way good luck it only gets better.
Hi Jennifer!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Did you come over from Favorite Foto Friday? Your kids are GORGEOUS!!! And they look so happy! My kids tattle a lot too. The only thing that I have found to work sometimes is that I tell them that they have to pay me $1 each time they want to tattle. I tell them that it is not worth my time to listen to them tattling so in order for it to become worth my time, they have to pay upfront and then I'll listen to them. So when one of them comes to me and starts saying "F said..." I cut them off and, holding out my hand, say "One dollar please"! Sometimes it works but a couple of times, they've walked away only to return with a dollar and a whole lot of tattling! LOL!
By the way - I'm originally from NJ!! I lived in Wayne and my grandparents owned a corner deli in Union City!! I also have an aunt, an uncle, and a few cousins from Jersey City. Small world!
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