Monday, August 25, 2008

Gloomy Monday

Well, we are back from a wonderful refreshing vacation. We spent a lot of time with family and friends and had a lot of outdoor fun. I wish I could say I feel de-stressed but as soon as we pulled back into Jersey I got a knot in the pit of my stomach. It looked so dirty, ugly and crowded. You have to remember that I was looking at green all week and open space. It was so weird to look out of my parents window and see our car parked out front with maybe a handful more of cars. You didn't have to circle around a hundred times trying to find a parking space. Traffic to them is 10 cars at a light. I miss the BLUE skies, green lawns, hearing the crickets at nights, and just everyone being friendly. Everywhere you go people say hello to you and smile. I have already gotten so harden by the East. I seem to rarely smile when I am out and about. I realized it a lot while on this trip. I think I was more aware of it because people would smile at me and I would realize that I wasn't. I must have looked like such a mean grumpy person. I really am not that way.
I am sorry that this post is such a downer. I had decided a long time ago that I wanted to be completely really in this blog and not hold back. I seem to wear my emotions on my sleeve anyway.
The kids have said several times that they miss their MeMa and Pop Pop. In fact Rey cried several times on the trek home because he was sad and missed them. Kiarrah too. She said it again this morning. I miss them too. I miss all of my family. I need to get out of this funk.
I will post more later hopefully with lots of fun stories and pictures from our adventure.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer -- your honesty is refreshing! "My tears have been my food day and night!" Hang in there...its just another manic Monday.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why we don't move back to the midwest and give our children, what we had back there?
I think of it everyday. Alot now because my cousin has a child and it would be nice for them to grow up and be close. My brother has 2 childern. I feel that livivng out here, they aren't getting that closeness with them.
Hang in there. I am stuck in this state. My husband will NEVER EVER leave!! :( Audra

Jamie said...


I can so relate to how you feel(although people are friendlier down here as opposed to where I grew up). But I always have such a hard time saying goodbye when we visit or letting my parents leave when they are here.

But I know God leads us to where we are for a reason.

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Welcome back home Bishop Clan! I have a hard time saying bye when we leave to come home too. I will be praying for you sweety, remember if you never moved from would have never met and married Jim, adopted 3 beautiful children and had a miracle baby. God put you in Jersey for a reason. Just have an Indiana attitude in gloomy Jersey and spread the fever. Never know someone might smile back.