Monday, July 28, 2008

Life and Milestones

I have been so negligent at writing in my blog. Actually my computer time has been very limited with having the kids home for the summer. Being on the computer is actually a major destressor for me and I can take some time , refocus and get back to the task at hand.
So much has been going on and I need to do some major catching up. I have also not had a chance to read my friends blogs and see what is going on in their lives.
Our biggest news has been that little miss Gracie has turned ONE!!! Can you believe it? This past year has flown by so fast and I already miss having a little little baby. Don't get me wrong. I love this stage she is going through. She is discovering everything and learning new things every day. I keep thinking back to the day she was born and how God had his hand in it all. I am so thankful that I was still in the hospital when she went into distress. I shudder to think how I might not have even know if I had still been at home. God was there the whole time. Even from the moment of her miracle conception. I am so thankful that he chose to bless us with our little miracle girl. I just encourage anyone who reads this that may be struggling with infertility. God knows more than any Dr. He has the ultimate say. He can take the impossible and make it possible. Don't give up the Faith.
We had a cute little party for her and Delaiah who is a friends daughter. Their birthdays are one day apart. I will try to share some pictures of that later.
Little miss is majorly cruising furniture, saying and waving bye and she says yaaa like a little dutch girl. She loves to laugh and make us all laugh. I love when she is sitting and playing and cracking herself up. She got a little push toy for her birthday and she moves pretty fast with it. We went for her 1 yr check up on Thursday. She now weighs 18lbs 10 oz and is 27 3/4 inches long. She is just going to be a petite little thing. She got her shots and she has reached all of her one year milestones. That is such a blessing considering she was a preemie. She had lagged behind for a while and I had concerns. I even had someone suggest that they thought she had CP. I knew that was a lie straight from Satan. This child didn't have any of the symptoms and I actually talked to my Dr. about it this last visit. He was like NO WAY.
She is growing and learning and did I mention she loves to eat? She hasn't met a food she doesn't like. You can not eat anything in front of her without her wanting some. She even is alerted by the sound of wrappers. Lucky for me she loves veggies and fruit.
I will post some pictures later for your enjoyment.


Lori said...

AAAwe she is so sweet! Happy Belated Miss Gracie!!

I love that stage too!!

We are doing well - I have Nico still on the vits. and herbs - I have narrowed it down to five or so rather then the whole program. He seems to do ok, we still have moments and times, but which kid doesn't? We are going to stay at the public school for now. Nico was having an issue with moving elsewhere. We found out that the other family pulled their daughter and has moved to another district in the area. I'm anxious to see what teacher he has and how they handle his "different abilities"! Then again - I can do without their belly achin' too!! I haven't found a teacher yet that can "handle" him or work with him to his full potential!

Jamie said...

Happy 1st Birthday to your sweet little girl!

Had to laugh at "She hasn't met a food she doesn't like."

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Happy 1st Birthday dearest Gracie, girl! You are such a little sweety and I know what a miracle you were straight from God for your mommy and daddy. WTG on those milestones GF! You keep it up!
As for someone telling you, Jen that she had CP....SHAME ON THEM! Satan likes to put doubt in our paths, you go girls and just march right on over it....make sure to stomp it good and hard to on the way over it.