Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School Registration

Yesterday I registered the Butterfly for Kindergarten. She is going to be in an inclusion class which I pray will be the best fit for her. We shall see. I am very anxious about her starting school and pray that we have made the right decision. I have been reading a book called Damaged Angels by Bonnie Buxton. This book has opened my eyes so much to the effects Alcohol has on an unborn child. While reading this book I am finding that I am becoming so angry.I don't understand why people think it is OK to drink while pregnant. Alcohol is a tetragon that causes birth defects. Even when you read parenting books they misinform the public that a little alcohol is OK. The effects it has on a child are serious. My butterfly is showing these effects now. I appreciate the people in my life that have taken the time to learn about this and who understand her. Those that don't just look at her behavior and judge her or even my husband and I as her parents. We are doing the best that we can and are learning as much as we can.


Jamie said...

I pray that your anxiety turns to excitement and joy as you see your little girl head off to kindergarten. It's a big milestone and I hope you enjoy the moment when fall rolls around.

With awesome parents working with her, she'll do well. An inclusion class sounds like a good plan.

I will look forward to reading updates on her school well as about your other dear children!

Lilu said...

Wow I had no idea. I will definitely research that. Kiki is so bright, beautiful and sweet. Everytime she sees me she says, "Hi miss Leah" lol so cute. I'm excited because this will be an awesome experience for her and you :o)

Thanks for your comment. Oh and the song on my blog was Don't walk away by Shawn Mcdonald. I bought one of his albums last week. It definitely fits the season I'm in. I will make you a copy :o)

JUST A MOM said...

hang in there.... there are now many books to help.. back when there were very few.

Kari said...

So many people just don't know. You and I can change that but for our kids it will come too late. Advocate and aren't in this alone. ~Kari

Anonymous said...

i had to comment on the dog party...too cute! sounds like a great excuse to have a party. i bet the kids had a blast. fyi...loved the dog nose and ears :)