Monday, April 28, 2008

Mild Mannered Monday

Today has been a yucky rainy cold day. Hubby left for Boston today for a business conference. He will be gone until Friday. I already miss him. I will admit though that I was looking forward to spreading out and hogging the whole bed but my little stinker of a son has already snuck in and is fast asleep. I just don't have the energy to carry him back to his bed. It would be useless anyway because he will just come back again in the middle of the night.

We had a busy Friday and Saturday. Friday we went down to South Jersey to my inlaws house. We had a nice visit. It had been 4 1/2 months since we have seen them which is ridiculous. The kids enjoyed themselves and we went for a super long walk because it was such a gorgeous day. Saturday I went to a bridal shower and then picked up Dominic from a sleepover at his Auntie Frans. She is moving in two weeks. He is still so sad about it. I hope she keeps in touch.

Here are some recent pictures.


~*Kathi*~ said...

Hi, Just found your journal and I think its great. I am adding it to my favorites, so I can check in with you and your beautiful family.
Be Blessed...Kathi

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Your children are so beautiful! I hope to foster and/or adopt some day! I bet they love their baby sister! :)