Friday, March 07, 2008

Prejudice in 2nd grade?

I am so livid right now and need some advice on how to handle this. My son came home from school today because some little girl in his class told him that she was going to be mean to him because he was black!!
How would you handle this???????????


Kari said...

I would be very upset, too. I wonder if that child has heard racist remarks at home. How sad. Ben and I have talked to his class before about adoption...I wonder if you could talk together to the class about transracial adoption and the beauty of diversity. Maybe the teacher has some ideas on how to help??

We have so far to go. ~Kari

Jamie said...

Not to sound like I'm dismissing this very serious and mean comment made by that student...but how about using it as a way of teaching your son to forgive. Wouldn't that be a good way to bring good out of an ugly situation?

Jennifer said...

Jamie, I totally get what you are saying and agree. I spoke to him about it and we talked about forgiving people and we prayed for her and her family. We spoke on the fact that people say stuff sometimes without thinking about how it hurts others. I did speak to my sons teacher today about it and she spoke to both and them and brought diversity into her lesson. Actually she teaches on it a lot in different ways and also recently read a fiction book about a child that was adopted.