Thursday, February 28, 2008


We are enjoying life here. Things just never seem to slow down. I guess that is life with 4 kids. My sister claims I have a gift of going on in life like having four kids is normal. LOL Isn't it? I guess for some people it isn't. And to think I would love another one.
Gracie is gaining weight. She is now 13.7 pounds and 25 inches long. She is now in the 5 percentile. YEA!!! She loves to eat and how dare you eat anything in front of her with out giving her some. She will start hollering at you and start smacking her lips. She has quite the personality and sure makes all of us laugh. Her brothers and sister adore her. Kiarrah is doing better with her but I still have to closely monitor her with her because she gets rough or get a sudden jolt of energy and doesn't stop to think that she could hurt Gracie. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is some nasty stuff. I wish I could get into her mind and truely understand what she is feeling. Everything is so off all the time. It is like two minds are trying to run one body.
The boys are doing ok. Reynaldo has been having issues with cycling. Spring is upon us and his Bipolar seems to get so out of wack this time of year. I am trying so hard to learn when he is at the breaking point so that he can be redirected but I am not always so lucky. Please keep us in prayers because this gets so difficult at times. Dominic is doing great. Just sassy and fresh like most 8 year olds.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Guess Who is 7 Months

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Update on Life

Life has been a little on the busy side lately. Haven't had much time to blog. Things are good. Just s short little summary for you.
Dom and Rey both did really good on their report cards this quarter and made Effort Roll. I was so proud of them. They are both enjoying their classes at the Arts Academy. Dominic loves to paint but is struggling with having to do still life stuff. He much prefers being free and using his imagination. He does need to learn these concepts though. Rey loves his hip hop class. I have yet to see any of his moves. The teacher has informed me that he does dance. I need to just spy on him on of these days. Just don't want to get caught and have him not want to participate.
Kiarrah is in ballet tap. It is a great way for her to get her energy out. Especially with the tap dancing.
Gracie is growing. We got back to the Dr. on thursday for her to get weighed. I got her a highchair and she thinks that she is big stuff sitting in it. She is such a messy eater too.
Not much else to get into right now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Someone get the Lysol

I want to scream!!! Cover your ears!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. We just got all the sickie germs out of the house and alas they are back. I got a call from the boys school today. Reynaldo was throwing up. Not again. This is one major disadvantage to having 4 kids. Now I am on a mission to keep them away from each other so they don't share. Yes dear children I like when you share but not this time.
I did something exciting. I bought plane tickets to go back to my parents next month. I am taking the butterfly and sweet potato. Daddy is gonna keep the boys. We will all head out there this summer for a week or two. The price of tickets was amazing. The whole thing was my DH's idea. It will give Ki and me a chance to maybe work on our relationship.

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged by my wonderful buddy Sarah who is new to the blogging world. She has amazed me with her new found abilities to link and use the word meme. I have been blogging for a year and never new what that term meant nor did I master linking. This is the very reason that it has taken me so long to respond to this tagging. I needed time to look up how to link to Blogs so this is my first attempt.
Here are the rules to the Meme.
1) Link to the person who tagged you. 2) Post the rules on your blog. 3) Share 6 non-important things ,habits, quirks about yourself. 4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blog. 5) Let the random people know that they have been tagged by leaving comments on their blogs.
Ok Now for the List of Quirky Things about me. Are you sure that you are ready for this??

1) I can pick up quarters with my toes. I am ashamed to admit that this talent was discovered during my Wild Drinking Days. After a quarter bouncing, shotglass filling and then slamming down of alcohol night I discovered this easy feat with my feet. Who would have know I could have such a talent with my pretty pedicured toes. Oh to have those youthfull pretty tootsies again. Honey if you are reading this I am in need of a day of pampering. This wonderful talent did come in handy when I was very pregnant and couldn't bend over to pick things up.

2) I have a love for Fresh 350 or higher threadcount sheets. There is nothing finer and more soothing then sleeping into bed with these luxurious sheets. I can't stand cheap sheets. Call me a sheet snob if you must. I have acquired this from my mother dearest. I especially love when you go to a nice hotel and they have the whole upscale bedline. You want to leave there and purchase the whole $2000.00 dollar line.

3) I am petrified of mice. I have nightmares about them either. Have since I was little. It can even be a fake one and I will be lifting my feet and screaming my head off. When I was younger I had gone out to the garage to get the bag of grass seed for my dad and one of those evil critters jumped out of the bag and ran over my hand and landed on my barefoot. I screamed.

4) I love kid movies. Shhhh don't let this get out and please don't tell my kids. Mary Poppins, Summer Magic, High School Musical, even Teenage Mutant Turtles. Coawabunga Dude. Of course I make the kids think I don't like what they are watching but secretly I am "helping" them decide on a movie based on what I want to see. I even enjoy Gracie's Baby Einstein movies. We just borrowed a great movie from my neighbor called The Praise Baby Collection. It is so soothing.

5) I hate socks and shoes. I love to have naked tootsies. I would run around barefoot all the time if I could. I especially hate wearing socks to bed and kick them off immediately if I wear them to bed. I do love shoes and pretty socks but naked feet is my first choice. I have been wearing shoes and socks lately though because it has been so cold and could it have anything to do with the fact that I need a pedicure? See number 1

6) I am a horrible front seat passenger driver. I am surprised I haven't put a hole in the floor board where my imaginery brake pedal is. I know that I drive my DH crazy but....... Hey, he scares me sometime.

So there you have it. The real Jenn..... Can't wait to read yours. I tag


Friday, February 08, 2008

Gracie Smiles

Well actually, She has before but I haven't been able to capture it on camera because I usually need the flash and it makes her close her eyes. Her eyes actually twinkle when she smiles.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thrilling Thursday

Let's start off the post with a sweet picture I took the other day.

Aren't they cuties? Today is filled with cleaning the house, listing on ebay and paying bills. FUn FUn FUn.

Kiarrah is doing a little better with Gracie. We have been working on that relationship and my relationship with Kiarrah. It was headed down the toliet but we are trying. She is one of the most stuborrn children I have ever met and I have met my match so to speak. My DH feels we are a lot alike. I just don't see it. I have been trying to spend some one on one time with her and we went and ran errands on Saturday. Just her and I. She bought Gracie a cute little pink elephant for her collection. It is for Valentine's Day so Shhhhh don't tell Gracie.

I finally found some products that work in KiKi's hair. The first one I found works great but is too expensive but we are having really good luck with Infusium 23. She had taken scissors to her hair twice now and I finally have it looking good. I can get a wide tooth comb throough it with ease. Hopefully it will keep it hydrated.