Saturday, January 05, 2008

Baby Food

Have any of you made your own baby food? I would really like to do this for Gracie but need some help and input. What kind of fruit could I make? I know that it would be more economical to make it myself. Gracie is loving food. I tried to make her green beans and she wouldn't eat them. She loves the jar kind.


Connie said...

I made a lot of carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and squash for my son. Another good food for babies is mashed up avocado.

You know, truthfully I can't remember exactly what I fed him, but I know he never ate jarred baby food. The only one of my five, and I don't know why with the last I did it that way, but it worked out so much better.

Heidi said...

I found your blog through Lori's Lines, and I thought I would comment since I made my own baby food.

I used frozen veggies- peas, green beans and carrots- and cooked them in water in the microwave and used the water to puree them. You have to overcook the green beans, because otherwise they don't puree as well. I cooked fresh squash- that was so soft it didn't need any water added. For fruit- I was on a budget so I used canned fruit with no sugar added- pears & peaches. I used sugar-free applesauce too and bananas as well.

I'm trying to remember if I used anything else- this was over a year ago!! I saved a lot of money this way. I suppose if you could get her to eat other food that you make and just buy canned green beans, you would still come out ahead!

Anonymous said...

There is a great Babyfood cookbook from DK Publishers called First Foods by Annabel Karmel I beleive there is also another one by someone else called First Meals.