Friday, July 27, 2007
Day Three in the Life of Gracie
Mommy and baby are doing quite well. I am quite sore after the C section and lacking in major sleep but so happy. Gracie is such an awesome baby and quite the little sleeper. I hope she stays that way. I look forward to many naps with her. The kids are very anxious for us to come home tomorrow. Reynaldo still doesn't realize that we get to "keep" her. Thought you might enjoy a few more pictures. We have had many vistors and can't wait to recover and then get back in the world with all of our friends and loved ones.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/27/2007 11:26:00 AM 10 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
and even more
The kids were so excited to meet their sister. Especially Dominic. Reynaldo's first question was asking me why her skin wasn't brown like his. That took some explaining. We are all doing wonderful and recovering nicely.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/26/2007 11:10:00 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Announcing Gracie Noelle
I bet this is the message that you all have been waiting for. Gracie is finally here. After a long night of no sleep and the little one moving up a storm inside my womb, I woke up tired and cranky and ready for my little sweet potato to make her appearance. I was scheduled to have an ultrasound this morning to check her fluid level and if it was low they were planning to do a C section tomorrow am. Well, They placed me on the fetal moniter after breakfast and for some reason her heart rate was sky high and tacky. Next thing I know I was being rushed to the OR for surgery right away. Jim had left 1/2 hour before that to go home and I had to call him to come back. Long story short, her umbillical cord had two knots in it and she was not getting oxygen or anything. They did the surgery right then and there and couldn't even wait for daddy. Was was born at 11:06 am and weighs 8 pounds 2.9 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is extremely healthy with no sugar issues and her lungs were developed. I praise God for a beautiful healthy baby girl.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/24/2007 11:15:00 PM 15 comments
Quick update. Well it has been a week and I am still in the hospital. Had an amnio yesterday to see if Gracies lungs were developed and they poked me three times ( ouch) and were not able to find a pocket of fluid large enough to take fluid out without risk to hitting Gracie with the needle. She is 8 pounds already so there is no way they are gonna let me wait until the 10th for the C section. I am VERY uncomfortable and having problems with my blood sugar crashing due to vomiting. UGH. SIck of needles for insulin, for bllod checks for amnios, and for IVS!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I had myself a good cry fest because I miss my kids so much. Hopefully today we will have some answers and know what is going on. Meanwhile. Gracie is doing wonderful and extremely active. She just likes to kick and put pressure on my siatica and it makes my legs numb out on me. Sleeping is next to impossible. Hopefully the next time I write it will be about Gracie's arrival. Thank you so much for your prayers. It means the word to me.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/24/2007 07:36:00 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thought I would give you all another quick update. I am in the hospital due to some cramping and contractions. Came in last night and they have had me on fluids and have been monitering Gracie. All is well. The contractions are too sporatic and far apart for now so they might send me home tomorrow. I am just ready for baby girl to be born. My hubby was nice and brought his laptop in for me to use tonight. I am so lost without my internet.
I have been amazed with how many people have stepped forward to help with the kiddos. I go to such an awesome and amazing church. We have not had to worry about the kiddos at all.
Well, Hope everyone is doing great.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/18/2007 11:34:00 PM 6 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Just a quick little note. I am without internet service for a while so have not been able to post. Please don't give up on me. I will be back soon. I am scheduled for my C Section on August 10th if I don't go sooner. Hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/14/2007 07:04:00 PM 8 comments
Monday, July 09, 2007
Weekend and Question
We had a pretty low key weekend. Saturday we took the kiddos to see Transformers. Awesome movie btw. They just could have done without the sexual content, especially knowing the younger kids would want to see the movie too. The graphics were awesome. The boys were on the edge of their seats the whole time. Ki was good until about the end then she had enough.
We ran errands and then sat outside. I was pretty uncomfortable all weekend so I did a lot of laying around and sleeping. I just have so much pressure when I walk.
I am seriously thinking of taking my blog private. Would love to hear some opinions on that. I really don't want to lose my readers but would feel more comfortable knowing who my actually readers are. Especially when I post pictures. Would you keep reading my blog if I made it private?
Posted by Jennifer at 7/09/2007 09:55:00 AM 11 comments
Friday, July 06, 2007
Friday FInale
I had such a mopey down day today. I think this whole C Section thing has me scared. Just the thought of the epidural has me freaked. I am not one that tolerates pain well. Plus I am feeling down because I just don't have any of my family around. I am having one of those " I want my mommy" kind of days. I have my friends but some days you just need your mommy. It upsets me that they are not hear to share in this whole experience with me. The family I do have here just are not really active in the whole thing.
Sorry for such a negative tone. I literally burst into tears today. My husband didn't know whether to cry with me or laugh. I wanted to smack him.
Feeling lots of pressure today. It is getting painful. I wish I wasn't overweight to begin with because I am sure that isn't helping things. We are headed into a huge heatwave and UGH! I am just not ready for that.
The boys had a busy day. They worked on workbooks, wrote letters, wrote in their journals, and read. They also watched movies and played PlayStation. It was actually a pretty decent day. I just wish I could get them outside more often. I just can't stand the heat and we don't have any shade.
Kiarrah had an awesome day and came home with a hundred kisses for me. She has been very loving lately. She is very chatty and turns everything she says into a song.
Well, off to bed here. Hopefully I can get some sleep.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/06/2007 10:49:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Little Update
Sorry I haven't been on in forever. Been having computer problems and also just getting very uncomfortable and tired. I only have a few more weeks to go. Yesterday we had a really nice time at a BBQ at our Pastors' house. It is so nice because they live on our block so we didnt have far to go and the kids were so well behaved. We have been invited to a few cookouts in the last few weeks but we just haven't been able to go because of how I have been feeling. I hate missing out on stuff like that.
Went to the Dr. on Monday. Gracie is doing well. The boys got to see their first ultrasound and are so excited. Everyday they ask me if she is coming out yet. They sent me over to L & D because we weren't sure if I was having real contractions. Come to find out I was dehydrated and need two bags of fluids and I was having Braxton Hicks and all the pain has been round ligament stretching. Geez it hurts. I am such a baby with pain.
Kiarrah is loving school and thriving there. It was just what she needed. She comes home happy and tired and is a major pleasure to be around. She has gotten in a little trouble but that is to be expected.
The boys have been kept busy with the summer library reading program and writing in their journals and playing outside. I try to get them out for a few hours a day. Thank goodness it has been a little cooler out.
Jims wounds are healing. He has gotten so much grief about his "booboos" GOOD!
I have my baby showers coming up and I am getting so excited. We went out the other day and bought my travel system. We figured we better get the carseat now after the scare on monday. My grandparents helped me get it with baby money. I can't beleive how expenesive those things are. My parents are bring out the crib in Sept. I just need to get a mattress now.
Well, I best get in the shower. We have a few little errands to do today.
Posted by Jennifer at 7/05/2007 08:20:00 AM 2 comments