Friday, June 08, 2007

Need Duct Tape

My daughter is driving me bananas. (Line taken from her tshirt that says my brother drives me bananas) She will not keep her seat belt on in the car when I am driving. Any advice? Also she keeps escaping out the door when we are occupied doing something else. Yesterday I was washing my oldest sons hair and I thought she was in the living room with her other brother and next thing I know my cell phone is ringing and it is my neighbor to let me know that Ki is outside. She literally needs to be at my side 24 7 or she is either into something, out of something or just plain in trouble. This morning I woke up to a girl who covered herself in Vaseline which she took from the bathroom. The week before she had used my shaving gel and put it in her hair. The horrible fact is that she then lies about doing it. The evidence is all over her. It is not like I can lock her door or the bathroom door. I just don't know what to do with her. She gets lots of attention so it is not that she is lacking in that. The other thing that she is doing is not doing what is asked of her. It took her over 1/2 hour to get dressed yesterday morning. We had to keep telling her over and over. I even broke it down for her and asked her to put each item on step by step. She would just stand there ad either sing or dance or just play. I refuse to dress her. She is old enough to do it herself.
Is this just a 4 year old phase? I am losing my sanity with her antics.


Kari said...

She sounds so much like my Anna! I guess I don't have any real answers for you but I have empathy if that helps! ~Kari

Soltana said...

I think it's a 4 year old phase..Derek opened the door to the truck and was knocking on my door to say hi... now we have the child saftey lock on...I also told him if he didn't stay in his seat belt until the car was turned off the police were gonna take me to tseat belt incidents since.... I know what a bad momma....for the doors in the house have you seen the little alarms that you put on the doors so when its opened it goes off?? My friend has 3 little ones..and a pool they have they on all their doors...hope that helps..sorry but the shaving cream story is too funny :)

My 3 Sons said...

Christopher use to unbuckle. I had a police man talk to him about not doing it anymore. It worked for me. For her going outdoors. Can't you put a hook and eye up at the top of the door? I did that when I had my day care because I ahd one who would get out. Works. Till they get the hint. Good LUck

JUST A MOM said...

oh man 4 year olds...the seat belt is a tough one. Put her back in a carset. use some natural consequences. You do not get dressed by this time and everyone else will get to,,,,,,,,, sorry you do not. good luck

Caroline said...

I definitely think you need some powerful consequences for the seat belt problem, and also some high latches (as my 3 sons said) on all the doors. It's much too dangerous out there for our little ones unattended. And they ARE sneaky!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for all the advice. I think we have nipped most of the issues with her. She is just such a strong willed child with no fear of anything.