Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dear Gracie

Dearest Gracie,
I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to lose all of the contents of my stomach tonight after dinner. I do hope that you got the nutrition that you needed from my grilled Boca Burger, bean salad and Pickles. Maybe it was the pickles that threw you over the edge. UGH! I had hoped to get by today with out throwing up and fought it many times since this morning.
I would also like to thank you for the return of " my girls" I paid good money to have them removed 7 years ago and you are reminding me that my money was well spent ( along with the help of the insurance company too). It looks like it is time for me to purchase new " over the shoulder Boulder holders." I do hope after breastfeeding that they will shrink but not slink. I want them to be perky like they were before. Maybe I can use the bras as a hammock for you as you grow and I shrink.
The stretch marks are really lovely too. I mean I had my share of them from my fatness before and didn't think it was possible to get anymore. Boy was I wrong. I guess I will call them my badges of honor for being blessed with you.
I can't blame not seeing my feet on you because I couldn't see them before but this waddling is something new! Especially when trying to climb the stairs. Awww the many joys of pregnancy.
I do hope when you are born you realize how much I love you and even though I am complaining and miserable now it will all be worth it in the end.
Love, Mommy


Soltana said...

Your letter is too fuuny... I waqs hoping for smaller tatas too..but after nursing 2 little ones.... well you get the oicture. I tell hubby I'm getting a boob job and a tummy tuck..:)
Sorry you're still feeling so bd. There's a tea you can drink..from a health food smells and tastes kinda yucky but it may helped when I was prego with Cerah... Good luck :)

Amie said...

Your letter has just made me Laugh - thanks for that!!

I'm with Soltana, I am getting a boob job & tummy tuck after I finish my family!!

Lori said...

Your so cute - Happy Mother's Day!

Desiree's Daily Life said...

LOL! Very cute Jennifer, I hope that you are going to copy this and put it in her baby book. I wrote letters to Edward when I was pregnant with him. I am not sure I would ever get a boob job but I am all for a tummy tuck and a chin lift (double chins are inherited in my family and I hate mine).