Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I am feeling so discouraged today. My son Rey has been cycling so bad with his moods and I just don't know what to do for him anymore. He goes from happiness to anger to sadness so fast it scares me. I found out this morning that he is spitting out his medicine again when no one is looking. Found the evidence in his trashcan when I cleaned his room. That explains the quick cycling.He says stuff a lot lately too like he wishes he were dead, he says he wishes a car would hit him etc. He is only 6 years old!!! Luckily we have an appointment next week with his Dr. I am hoping we can resolve this.He needs counseling but the problem is that there is such a long wait list everywhere. We have been waiting for almost a year.
We have an appointment today with the gastroentrologist. I am hoping he will do some testing because Rey is not gaining weight and is not eating much of anything.


Desiree's Daily Life said...


Honey I am so very sorry. I will be praying about this and that you can get him into a counselor very soon. I wish I could give you both a hug, while I know this wont cure the situation, at least for a few seconds we could all feel a little happy. Know that I am here for you girlfriend. Please know I am praying.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I wish I had some pearls of wisdom or some wonderful advice. Please know I'm praying for you and Rey-Rey.

Kiss my little man for me!


Lori said...

OMG - Jen - When I read your post today, I thought you were talking about my son!! He just turned seven and has been diagnosed with ADHD when he was four! We still struggle from time to time with anger outbursts and he does a rollercoaster of emotions. We finally got into see a Psychiatrist. Our son was saying things that he wanted to be dead and he wanted to kill both my husband and I. I'm hoping that this next visit with the Psych starts to help. We have, at times, just thrown our arms up in disgust and uncertainty!! I can't even begin to tell you how emotionally wrecked I've been and have come to a point where I have wanted to take my life because of what our son does and says to us!! It's horrible!! I could never do that, but I have gotten that low. I am praying for you. Please lean on whatever it is that brings you strength!! For me it is God!! I will pray that you have strength and that soon you will be able to get into see a specialist or psych for your families sake and your son's!! Hang in there!! I truly can understand some of what you must be going through! I don't know your whole story, but if it is anything that touches on a similar life that we lead - I'm sorry! Hang in there!!

Luke and Valerie said...

I will say a prayer today for your little boy to get just the help he needs.
Off subject, thanks so much for leaving a comment on my ‘Spring Reading Thing’ blog post. Just wanted to let you know that I finished Thundering Sneakers and posted a review today. You can read it at
Have a great day!