Ok. I need to get off of this ride that is a downward spiral of depression. This should be such an exciting time of my life but instead I am dealing with being sick all the time, feeling overwhelmed with life and scared out of my mind with adding another child into our family. I guess these are normal feelings and my hormones aren't helping matter much. Don't get me wrong. I am extrememly excited that I am pregnant and going to have a baby that is part of Jim and I.
I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and the morning sickness is just not letting up. I am set off by the smell of everything. Even the smell of toast toasting. I can't cook without getting sick and I love to cook. I also have a major aversion to hair. I feel like I have hair in my throat all of the time and it makes me throw up. It has even gotten so bad that I sometimes picture hair in my food and then I can't eat. It is even hard to give my husband a kiss because of his facial hair. Am I messed up in the head?
I have an appointment with the Dr. on friday so I hope that maybe he will put me on something so I can get over this yucky yucky feeling. I had hoped that when I started my second trimester that this would go away.
Everything else is changing on my body and this is all so new to me. The big boobs( hey I paid for those to go away years ago with a surgery), the weak bladder, and the nothing fits me right now problem. I think maybe I need a change of attitude. I guess I should look at the sickness as a postitive thing. It means the baby is growing and moving around. Someone give me an attitude adjustment.
8 years ago
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