A day without throwing up? Can it be? This is the first time in a long time. I actually managed to eat a meal without getting sick. I only pray I am not speaking too soon. Maybe the end of the morning sickness is near? I am 14 weeks and 4 days today! Yeah!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The boys are finally starting to really adjust at their new school. Dominic is in a mainstream first grade class and really is advancing in his reading. He loves school and is quite fond of his "pretty" blond haired young teacher. He says that she is beautiful. He has made a lot of friends and I get so happy when I see him interact with the other kids. There is not much sign of lacking in social skills there.
Reynaldo was moved back to a Kindergarten class and is progressing finally. When we moved to the new school they had first placed him in a transitional first grade class. After the child study team went over his records they felt it would be beneficial for him to redo Kindergarten because he was lacking a lot of the basic foundational skills that were needed to move forward in first grade. I didn't hesitate on this decision and was quite happy considering I had pushed last year to have him held back and they wouldn't listen to my concerns. He is in a special needs class and they work at his speed. I am very happy with the class thus far. This is not to negate the fact that I am concerned because the aide in the class needs to learn how to spell. I want so much for the boys education and want them to learn to the fullest. I just feel this school is so much better than the last one in so many ways. I am considering looking into Charter schools as they get older. Maybe by then our church will have a school for their grades. The sad fact is that the requirements to get a teaching license is not that stringent.
Kiarrah is an an Abbot Daycare/Preschool. I am not thrilled with it and I am trying to qualify for Aid to send her to our churches preschool where they use the Abeka Curriculum. That is my ideal plan.
The kids all seem to be adjusting well to city living. It is preggo momma here that is having a hard time. I am doing better than I thought but I do miss more open space.
I need to go break up world war 2 of the day...
Posted by Jennifer at 2/21/2007 04:00:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Ok. I need to get off of this ride that is a downward spiral of depression. This should be such an exciting time of my life but instead I am dealing with being sick all the time, feeling overwhelmed with life and scared out of my mind with adding another child into our family. I guess these are normal feelings and my hormones aren't helping matter much. Don't get me wrong. I am extrememly excited that I am pregnant and going to have a baby that is part of Jim and I.
I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and the morning sickness is just not letting up. I am set off by the smell of everything. Even the smell of toast toasting. I can't cook without getting sick and I love to cook. I also have a major aversion to hair. I feel like I have hair in my throat all of the time and it makes me throw up. It has even gotten so bad that I sometimes picture hair in my food and then I can't eat. It is even hard to give my husband a kiss because of his facial hair. Am I messed up in the head?
I have an appointment with the Dr. on friday so I hope that maybe he will put me on something so I can get over this yucky yucky feeling. I had hoped that when I started my second trimester that this would go away.
Everything else is changing on my body and this is all so new to me. The big boobs( hey I paid for those to go away years ago with a surgery), the weak bladder, and the nothing fits me right now problem. I think maybe I need a change of attitude. I guess I should look at the sickness as a postitive thing. It means the baby is growing and moving around. Someone give me an attitude adjustment.
Posted by Jennifer at 2/20/2007 09:01:00 AM 0 comments
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