Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And then there were 4

I have not written on here in forever and after much harrassment from my readers ( I love you guys) I figured I best update everyone. Well, first the BIG NEWS!!! After 13 years of being infertile and having almost adopted three children, I am NOW PREGNANT. I am still in major major shock of this and full of worry and such. I could really use your prayers. I am considered a high risk due to my age, weight and the fact that I have diabetes. I go for my first sonogram next thursday so I will find out more accurately how far along I am.
I have completed my first semester of College. I really enjoyed it and did really well grade wise. I am planning on still taking classes next semester but I am going to have to cut down on the number of classes.
The kids are extremely excited about Christmas. I am done shopping and just now need to get my house in order for company.
I pray all of you have a Beautiful Christmas and remember Jesus is the Reason for the season.


Kari said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful news! I will pray that all goes well. Keep us updated! ~Kari

Chris Sapp said...

Wow!!!!! Congratulations! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! What wonderful news!

The Sapps